Grady InternViews: Rahel Kefetew

Grady InternViews: Rahel Kefetew
This is part of a series where we ask Grady College students to describe their summer internship experience.
Rahel Kefetew is a fourth-year Entertainment and Media Studies student working with the Creative Artists Agency as a commercial endorsements intern. Read on as she provides insight into what this internship looks like.
Briefly describe your internship and responsibilities.
I work in the Commercial Endorsements department at CAA. The agents in CE work by pitching clients for brand deals and endorsements and making sure that these brands fit their already made image. One of my responsibilities this summer has been creating sub rosters of niche interests that allow agents to zero in on a characteristic or interest and see what clients match. This further allows them to find a more natural fit for brands.
What does the structure of your internship look like?
I work a 9-6 and every week, and I rotate to another desk in the department. Each agent has their niche fields within CE. One week I can be working with an agent that deals with high fashion and the next can be lifestyle brands. This has been a really great way for me to see the wide breadth of clients at CAA and get a front-row seat to negotiations and deal making.
What has been your favorite part about your internship so far? Tell us a story if you have one!
My favorite part of my internship has definitely been the realization that this agency is not like any other. I definitely lucked out when it comes to company culture at CAA. From the moment I stepped into the building, I was welcomed with open arms. Everyone here wants to help you succeed and wants you to learn from them. CAA has been nothing but kind and supportive of me and my career aspirations, and this has enriched my experience here and made coming here every day all the more exciting.
How have the classes you’ve taken at Grady prepared you for this internship?
Taking Entertainment Industries instilled in me the background knowledge of the industry. This helped tremendously in being able to hold a conversation with the other interns and the agents. Being film/TV literate has also helped a lot in being able to connect with the people that are out here.
What’s your advice to other students looking for a similar opportunity?
Take the plunge and apply! Yes, a lot of the interns in LA consist of students that attend these west coast schools but don’t let that deter you from trying. Being from Georgia, home of the national champs, has sparked more conversations with people out here than you would think. Coming to work at a place across the country shows just how passionate you are for the field so use that to your advantage!
How will this role guide your future career path?
I’ve always known I wanted to work in representation but wanted to take the summer to understand in what capacity I can see myself in. This internship has exposed me to careers I didn’t know existed and has given me a clear picture into the world of agencies. I think because of it I am much more solidified in my aspirations and have something a lot more concrete to work towards.
What lessons will you take back with you to the classroom in the fall?
Being organized and meticulous when given a task will get you very far. I’ve also realized that I this is the best time of my life to be curious and ask questions because everyone wants to help the intern/student.
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
To keep watching good TV! The amount of people I’ve connected with because of my extensive mental catalog of TV goes to show how much value there is in being well-versed in the industry. As a more general piece of advice, whatever you’re passionate about or whatever field you want to pursue, immerse yourself in it, read about it, and learn about what it’s producing and how people are consuming parts of it, it’ll make you all the more knowledgeable and a better candidate for jobs.
What’s your career goal?
I want to work within Entertainment Law as either an agent or as a business affairs executive.
How has this role helped you discover what you are passionate about?
This role has solidified my “Why” – specifically why I want to pursue a career in representation and why I want to do that at an agency level. By exposing me to the smaller day-to-day activities of the career I hope to pursue I was given a more colorful glimpse into what my career could be if I work hard to get it. Now that I’ve gotten that glimpse, I’m all the more motivated to try to get the full picture in the next couple of years.