Grady InternViews: Noor Shaikhnag

Grady InternViews: Noor Shaikhnag

July 18, 2024

This is part of a series where we ask Grady College students to describe their internship experience.  

Noor Shaikhnag is a fourth-year entertainment & media studies and communication studies student working as an intern with Addition Premier Digital Talent Management Company. Read on as she provides insight into what this internship looks like.

Briefly describe your internship and its associated responsibilities.

I am a talent intern at Addition, a premier digital talent management company representing digital creators. Addition is a boutique agency specializing in influencers and social creators with specific niches such as travel, culinary, lifestyle, and tech. My day-to-day responsibilities vary, but they typically include talent scouting, reaching out to potential brands, and taking notes during calls.

What opportunities did you have during your internship?

I have had numerous opportunities to voice my opinion and provide project input, especially with talent recruiting. I’ve also had the chance to sit in on various calls, from daily discussions to high-profile meetings, allowing me to take notes and observe how the agency operates in the short and long term.

What skills and knowledge have you gained from your internship?

I have gained and applied a plethora of skills from my internship this summer. I learned how to scout and recruit new talent, which was entirely new to me before this experience. Stepping out of my comfort zone, I adapted to a different lifestyle and kept up with the fast-paced day-to-day work. I gained knowledge on how interactions and communications are often handled in the entertainment industry, especially in Los Angeles. Being immersed in this environment firsthand has helped me develop skills quickly, adapt to various circumstances, and enhance my critical thinking in real-world situations.

What is one work you are proud of creating in this role?

While most of my work during the internship was collaborative and research-intensive, making it hard to single out one specific project, I am particularly proud of my contributions to brand partnerships and talent research, which helped bring new clients to the Addition roster.

What challenges have you overcome in this role?

Through interning in Los Angeles, I have navigated a new environment and culture that is vastly different from what I know. Being in Los Angeles has given me much more clarity on my career and personal aspirations after graduation. I struggled with the feeling of “falling behind” and discovered that many successful industry professionals were once in the same boat. I learned to overcome this feeling by fully engaging in my internship and interacting with professionals and peers. By immersing myself in the new surroundings, networking, and forming friendships, I have built a supportive community that has helped me tackle these challenges.

Noor Shaikhnag outside Getty Villa in Malibu, California during the Grady LA Field Study and Internship Program. (Photo: Submitted)

How did you balance your internship with everyday life?

Managing an internship while being part of the Grady L.A. program was sometimes challenging. My internship runs from Monday to Thursday, 9 AM to 6 PM, followed by classes twice a week at 7:45 PM and a few class assignments and excursions. I was mindful of time management and getting my work done so that I could be fully present and enjoy my days in Los Angeles. It is a packed but really fun schedule that is rewarding and insightful. I have loved it! While I recommend making the most of it, taking breaks and caring for yourself first is just as important!

How has the Grady curriculum you’ve taken prepared you for this internship?

My classes at Grady have truly set me up for success during my internship. The curriculum has prepared me for networking with industry professionals and, most importantly, provided me with essential entertainment knowledge. Understanding concepts related to development, production, and the business side of entertainment has proved incredibly useful. This knowledge has given me an advantage, setting me apart throughout the process, from interviewing to engaging with employers and industry professionals.

Who is one Grady Professor who has inspired you? 

Several Grady professors have inspired and encouraged me throughout my time here. Dr. Laurena Bernabo, currently my professor in the Grady L.A. Program, has taught me about the entertainment industry from both creative and business perspectives. Dr. Shira Chess, one of my first EMST professors, guided me through the storytelling process and helped bring my ideas to life. All the professors in the EMST program have significantly contributed to my growth and knowledge, preparing me for success in the entertainment industry.

What advice would you give to someone looking to apply to similar internships?

I know you’ve heard this before, but networking is key. Talking with anyone in your desired field is essential. Meeting for coffee can be effective, but even using social media to introduce yourself works well. I got my current internship through a connection who could vouch for my work. Lastly, confidence will set you apart; “fake it till you make it” really applies here. Believe in yourself and focus on your skills. Remember, you don’t need to know everything when starting an internship; you’re there to learn!

How has this internship influenced your future career?

Noor Shaikhnag (middle front) and Grady LA Field Study and Internship Program group visiting Warner Brothers Studios in California. (Photo: Submitted).

This internship has provided me with invaluable information and experience I didn’t have before. It offered insight into the agency space, particularly in the digital area, which was entirely new to me. It has opened my eyes to potential careers in the entertainment business and has left me curious in the best way.

How did you find out about this internship?

I found this internship through Dr. Hamilton and his newsletters. I applied even when they were not hiring because I wanted to learn more about agencies in the digital creator space. I knew someone from the program who was already working there and asked her to pass along my resume. Shortly after, I got an interview, and I prepared by researching and having questions ready. I was offered the job that day! Through networking and keeping up with my peers, I was able to make connections and secure the position.

Editor: Shannon Lorusso;