40 under 40 profile: Loree Anne Paradise

Loree Ann 40 under 40 — 2024
Loree Anne Paradise, chief of staff for the Office of the Lt. Governor, will be recognized as a 40 under 40 honoree on Sept. 6, 2024. (Photos: courtesy of Loree Anne Paradise)

40 under 40 profile: Loree Anne Paradise

August 21, 2024

Congratulations to Loree Anne Paradise (ABJ ’11), on being named a 40 under 40 honoree by the UGA Alumni Association.

Paradise is the chief of staff for the Office of the Lt. Governor of Georgia. Paradise started her career as a press secretary for the United States Congress, and continued on in her educational career to receive a JD from the University of Kansas Law School. After which, Paradise served as an attorney for Taylor English Duma LLP. Now, as chief of staff, Paradise oversees budgetary, staffing, legislative, communications strategies and other various aspects of the Lt. Governor’s Office. Outside of her professional career, Paradise is a member of Leadership Georgia, AEI Leadership Network and Conservative Policy Leadership Institute. She also serves as a Cobb County Court Appointed Special Advocate, helping to give a voice to the abused and neglected children currently involved in dependency hearings in Cobb County.

“I’m working every day to help grow the state I love and make it a better place for the people and businesses who live here.” Paradise said of her job.

She graduated from UGA with a degree in journalism. While pursuing her journalism degree, Paradise was involved in a variety of activities including: the Global L.E.A.D. program, Washington Semester program and Women’s Glee Club.

See the below Q&A with Loree Anne Paradise:

Loree Anne Paradise is the chief of staff for the Office of the Lt. Governor of Georgia.

Thinking back to your time at Grady College, what class prepared you the most for what you are doing today?

Communications Law with Dr. Lee prepared me for law school and my professional experiences more than any other class I took in college.

What would you tell your 20-year-old self?

Focus on small steps, not the big picture (constantly). What is the ultimate goal and what can you do today to accomplish that? Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by the goal. If you’re doing what you need to do every day (even the small things), you’ll get there.

What accomplishment or moment in your career are you most proud of?

That’s a hard one. I have worked on so many different campaigns — there is nothing like an election night. Win or lose. They are defining moments in my life and why I encourage every intern in our office to go and get campaign experience — it doesn’t matter the campaign. Go get the experience and learn what pressure is and how to overcome difficult situations. It will serve you well no matter what you end up doing for a profession.

What does success mean to you?

Loree Anne Paradise poses for a family picture with her children and husband, Scott Paradise. Paradise will be honored by the UGA Alumni Association on Sept. 6, 2024.

Success for me has evolved throughout the past 15 years. Right now, success is about balance. And I am far from perfect at achieving it so far! Balancing doing a great job, as well as being an attentive and loving mother and wife. It is a daily struggle for me, but one I know is worth it to show my children that I can have my own career and identity, as well as love them and guide them to the best of my ability. 10 years ago, perfection was probably success for me. But that’s not attainable at any stage of life.

Are you currently working in your “dream job”? If not, what is your dream role?

I’m working every day to help grow the state I love and make it a better place for the people and businesses who live here. I have not thought about it, but I guess that is my “dream job.”

What do you believe is your biggest strength and how has it helped you in your current role?

 I am decisive and confident in my decisions. That doesn’t always mean every decision I make is the best. But I try to make it the best and stick to whatever I have said is the path we are going to take. I don’t second guess myself very often. There is too much to do to keep moving forward for second guessing yourself.

Rapid Fire Round

Favorite Podcast: I listen to the Wall Street Journal “What’s News” podcast every morning as part of my morning routine. I’m also a big Audible fan (and reader in general). 

One job-related tool you can’t live without: An extremely detailed to-do list that I review every minute of the day. My husband calls it my “bible.”

Favorite restaurant in Athens: Last Resort (of course!)

Favorite place you’ve traveled: Italy with my husband to attend the Ryder Cup last September.

Item on your bucket list: Most pressing is to get my 3rd child here in the fall safe and sound!

Editor: Lauren A. Pike, Lauren.pike@uga.edu

September 6 • 10 a.m. • Peyton Anderson Forum

40 under 40 panel: Message to my younger self

Join us for a panel conversation with our Grady College 40 under 40 honorees as we discuss what they wish they had known as students about life after college. See our Events listing for more details.