40 under 40 profile: Audrey Lewis

Audrey Lewis, attorney for Gregory, Doyle, Calhoun & Rogers, LLC, will be recognized as a 40 under 40 honoree on Sept. 6, 2024.

40 under 40 profile: Audrey Lewis

August 28, 2024

Congratulations to Audrey Lewis (AB ’07, ABJ ’09, JD ’10), on being named a 40 under 40 honoree by the UGA Alumni Association.

Lewis is an attorney for Gregory, Doyle, Calhoun & Rogers, LLC. Lewis handles complex litigation issues for government entities like the Georgia Department of Transportation by acquiring property rights through eminent domain. Outside of her accomplished legal career, Lewis serves on alumni boards, assists with recruitment, and donates to Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, the School of Public and International Affairs and the UGA School of Law so that the next generation of Bulldogs can benefit and continue to improve the world.

She graduated from UGA with a degree in public relations in 2009. While pursuing her degree, Paradise was involved in a variety of activities including: The Red & Black, Infusion Magazine, Phi Sigma Pi National Co-Ed Honor Society, Pi Sigma Alpha, Resident Hall Association, Safe Campuses Now and NAACP-UGA .

See the below Q&A with Audrey Lewis:

Audrey Lewis (far left) meets with Deborah Roberts (ABJ ’82, in pink suit) and other students during her time as a student at the University of Georgia.

What would you tell your 20-year-old self?

I would tell my 20-year-old self to not take life so seriously. It can truly change in an instant, so we have to cherish every moment and try not to stress the small things.  It might make you feel more comfortable to map things out, but life’s detours often work out better than the original plan so trust yourself and just go for it!

What skill(s) or advice should graduates and young alumni have for success early in their careers? 

I would say that networking is essential.  It goes without saying that the skills you learn along the way are necessary so that you can execute well and build your reputation, however staying connected to people and building strong relationships within your field is the best way to unlock the best opportunities for yourself.

What accomplishment or moment in your career are you most proud of? 

40 under 40. A lot of people would question that, but I felt that I received such enrichment here at UGA and it felt like a full circle moment to have the alma mater that I love so much recognize my contributions to the school and to society. It felt like receiving a nod from a proud parent. It’s an amazing honor. Thank you, UGA.

How do you get inspired? 

Audrey Lewis poses for a group photo with other students at the University of Georgia. Lewis will be honored by the UGA Alumni Association on Sept. 6, 2024.

I am often inspired by seeing my friends working hard and building. Who you surround yourself with is probably the most important decision you can make.  Not being the smartest person in the room reveals what you could be and that is exciting and inspiring!

What does success mean to you?  

True success is when you have made an impact in the lives of others and when you have the freedom to live the life you have worked so hard to build.

Rapid Fire Round

One job-related tool you can’t live without : Multiple monitors/ screens.  I’m hooked.

Favorite restaurant in Athens : It’s a toss up between Cali N’ Titos and Last Resort. I try to make sure to visit at least one of them every time I visit.

Editor: Lauren A. Pike, Lauren.pike@uga.edu

September 6 • 10 a.m. • Peyton Anderson Forum

40 under 40 panel: Message to my younger self

Join us for a panel conversation with our Grady College 40 under 40 honorees as we discuss what they wish they had known as students about life after college. See our Events listing for more details.