2022 in Review: Student Successes

2022 in Review: Student Successes

December 23, 2022
Jackson SchroederJackson.Schroeder@uga.edu

Editor’s Note: This is part of our six-part series highlighting stories produced by Grady College in 2022. The features include stories in each of the following subjects:

  • Student Successes
  • Faculty Honors
  • College Headlines
  • Research & Expertise
  • Service & Partnerships
  • Alumni Spotlight

This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, but instead highlight a sample of just a few of the hundreds of stories about accomplishments by our students, faculty/staff and alumni. We invite you to visit our Grady College News page for a full list of features posted in 2022.


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We are immensely proud of our students for all that they accomplish. Here are just a few headlines outlining their work and successes from 2022: 

Seven Grady students were recognized as Multicultural Advertising Intern Program fellows: In April, seven students were selected by the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s) Foundation to participate as fellows in the 2022 Multicultural Advertising Intern Program (MAIP). These students engaged in a 22-week fellowship program geared to prepare them with the skills and connections they need to build a foundation in the industry. The fellows participated in a 12-week virtual training series on topics within the industry and went on to complete 10-week paid summer internships with top agencies across the United States.

EMST major Abigail Clark earned an industry honor: Grady College Entertainment and Media Studies (EMST) major Abigail Clark was chosen as a multimedia journalist to work at the Broadcast Education Association/National Association of Broadcasters annual convention in Las Vegas, which happened in spring 2022. Clark was one of four students across the United States to be awarded this opportunity.

Journalism major Mennah Abdelwahab was selected as a UGA Presidential Award of Excellence recipient: Mennah Abdelwahab, who graduated this past spring, was selected, along with her twin sister, as a UGA Presidential Award of Excellence recipient, which recognizes the top 1 percent of UGA undergraduates who excel not only in academics, but also in service to the community and leadership, both on and off campus.