Grady InternViews: Audrie Uphues

Grady InternViews: Audrie Uphues

June 29, 2023

This is part of a series where we ask Grady College students to describe their summer internship experience.  Graphic displaying Audrie Uphues' major: Journalism, title: Creative videography intern, company: georgia football creative, location: Athens, Georgia

Audrie Uphues is a fourth-year journalism student working with Georgia Football Creative as a creative videography intern. Read on as she provides insight into what this internship looks like. 

Briefly describe your internship and responsibilities.

Georgia Football Creative is an internal department within Georgia Football. We’re responsible for creating content across all the social media platforms under the name Georgia Football. This includes the Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook pages. The content we create includes graphic design, photos, and short and long form video projects. We tell the team’s story each season as well as the day-to-day lives of players and staff. We have a large team of interns who assist in taking photos of official visits and shooting the recruitment process for potential athletes. After collecting those photos and videos, the interns work on a rapid deadline to put the final product out on social media or hand it back to recruits.

What does the structure of your internship look like?

It changes every day because the world of sports is always changing. Over the summer Georgia Football is recruiting heavily. We’re at the stadium doing photoshoots multiple days a week. On other days we are in the office editing. Because I’ve been doing this internship year-round, my schedule changes depending on the time of year. During the fall, our interns usually work 15 hours during the general school week, and game days add an additional 15 hours. During the summer, those hours can fluctuate depending on what’s needed and what content is happening. Sometimes we’ll have a 6 a.m. team run that needs to be covered. Recently, I finished doing a cooking demo for some players learning how to cook steak and crab. Each day ranges depending on what’s at hand. We’ll usually get a schedule of what the guys are doing and what their workout schedule looks like for the day. We then debrief with my boss about what needs to be covered and how fast that needs to be turned around. 

student filming on the sidelines of a UGA football game.
Uphues filming on the sidelines of a UGA football game. (Photo: submitted)
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced?

This internship challenges me to grow as a creator and to branch out of my normal style. I’ve been able to push myself to test the limits on what I’m capable of. That includes trying new effects in Premiere Pro and After Effects. It’s really awesome to be able to overcome a challenge and feel like you made something from nothing. Telling a story of the team is really awesome, and it’s a cool process to be a part of.

What has been your favorite part about your internship so far?

I would say the relationships with the people. There is nothing better than getting to work with other creatives who love Georgia, the team environment and the relationships we’re able to build. We don’t put a lens in between the relationships that we build. I think sometimes people will let hiding behind the camera define how they tell stories. Being able to get to know the team and their personalities has been such a blessing, and these relationships are going to last a lifetime. I know when I graduate, the network that I’ve built personally at Georgia Football is going to go on forever. That means the world to me.

How have the classes you’ve taken at Grady prepared you for this internship?

I am a big proponent of certificate programs within Grady. I am a New Media Institute student and a Carmical Sports Media Institute student. Both certificates have immensely prepared me for my internship at Georgia Football. The professors in the Sports Media Certificate set an excellent standard of professionalism and really allow their classroom to become more than just sitting in a room with four walls. I’ve gotten so many hands-on experiences in those classes. In one of my classes, I did social media for North Oconee High School’s girls’ soccer team. Understanding team dynamics on a high school level has really helped me in the world of football. I realized building relationships helps grow the quality of the product that you’re going to be producing.

What’s your advice to other students looking for a similar opportunity?

Start building your network now. Ask for advice from creatives and anyone in the sports industry. Building your network while you’re still in school is really important. That way, when you’re looking for a job, you’re able to turn to those people who you’ve built a trusting relationship with. I would also say – specifically for the role I’m currently in – apply when we have openings for Georgia Football Creative. These positions open up every few years depending on how many kids are graduating. However, you’re never too young to ask for advice. I would say continue to reach out to other people and ask how to grow as a creator. Ultimately, build your network. 

student holding a video camera smiling for a photo.
Uphues poses for a picture in front of the scoreboard (Photo: submitted)
How will this role guide your future career path?

I think the relationships that I’ve built are really going to propel me in the future. These relationships have taught me a lot about what I need to work on and how I could be a better team member. Covering two national championships and SEC championships prepares me for the next level of professional sports or maybe going on to a leadership role at another school in creative sports media.

What’s your career goal?

In the long term, I have a few goals. I would love to work in the NFL, whether that’s with a team or a specific organization. This would be a really awesome opportunity that would allow me to branch up to the next level. I’d also be able to build my network through that. Another avenue would be to come back to collegiate athletics. It would really be an awesome dream to come back and work in Athens again in the future.

What lessons will you take back with you to the classroom in the fall?

I want to continue challenging myself and pushing the boundaries of what I think I’m capable of. I don’t want to let comparison or doubt–especially in the creative industry–hinder my ability to produce high-quality work. I’ve earned my spot at this point, and I think this next season is going to be a really awesome learning opportunity. I want to be super intentional with the time that I have left and make the most of it. 

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don’t underestimate yourself. You are far more capable of anything than you can ever imagine. Put your mind to something and you can do it if you work hard enough. 


[Responses have been edited for clarity and conciseness.]