Grady InternViews: Abigail Childers

Grady InternViews: Abigail Childers
This is part of a series where we ask Grady College students to describe their summer internship experience.
Briefly describe your internship and responsibilities.
I am working for the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, also referred to as the International Emmy Awards. My title is Summer Judging and Membership Intern, and I am working remotely, from my kitchen table most days. A typical day for me would include mixed responsibilities for the Judging and Membership departments of the International Emmy Awards. My work in the judging department includes reading scripts submitted by young scriptwriters all around the world who have entered their work into the International Emmy Awards’ Sir Peter Ustinov Television Scriptwriting competition. My job is to read these scripts and process them as they meet various guidelines. As I continue with this internship, my work in the judging department will expand into creating ballots for the semi-final round of judging for the television categories. My work in the membership department includes keeping member information up to date, locating and suggesting new members and researching the television landscape in countries all over the world.
How is it structured?
My internship is entirely remote, which has had both pros and cons. As a remote intern, I have some more flexibility with my workday, which is nice. However, if this internship were in person, it would be in New York City and I would much prefer that had it been possible.
What has been the biggest growth you’ve experienced so far?
The biggest growth I have experienced so far is absolutely having access to such a vast amount of international content. International TV stations, production studios, news channels, contacts, languages – in just a few weeks, the International Emmy Awards have shown me that the entertainment and media markets across the world are so similar and yet incredibly unique all at once. Exposure to international content and contacts this early in my life will definitely have a positive impact on my view of the entertainment industry as a whole as I pursue my career.
What is your advice for other students looking to take on a similar role?
My advice for students who are looking for a role like mine is to take advantage of opportunities that are right in front of you. Class projects, meeting other students in your field, making connections with teachers – those things go a long way when it comes to a job like this. If it weren’t for a friend I knew in EMST, I wouldn’t have known I wanted to apply for the major. If it weren’t for Dr. Miller’s class, where I learned how and what to research, I wouldn’t have been qualified for the job I have now. If it weren’t for my dedication to the projects I had in his class, I wouldn’t have known how passionate I truly am about industry research and experience. These opportunities just appeared in front of me, but I had to do the work to make them worthwhile. From your Grady application essay all the way to your first big break, you have to maintain your dedication as well as your belief that your hard work will pay off.
What lessons will you take back with you to Athens in the fall?
When I go back to Athens, the biggest lesson I will take with me is that it is important to create opportunities for others whenever you can. It is because of the influence of so many experienced people around me that I am able to succeed in the job I have now. As I gain knowledge and experience from this internship, I look forward to passing along what I know to others to help create opportunities for them to learn and grow in their own careers. At the same time, I will return to Athens with a greater understanding of the importance of forging a path for myself in this industry. As amazing as it is to have such a great support system and so many wonderful industry connections, at the end of the day, it is up to me to maintain quality work and an impressive reputation.