
Dr. Kyser Lough

Associate Professor, Journalism
A headshot of Kyser Lough.
Office: Journalism Bldg, Room 227
Phone: 706-542-4668

About: Dr. Lough studies visual communication and solutions journalism, with an emphasis on photojournalism. He teaches graduate-level visual communication method & theory, as well as undergraduate photography and journalism ethics & diversity courses.

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Ph.D., Journalism, The University of Texas at Austin

M.A., Mass Communication, Murray State University

B.A., Public Relations, Murray State University

Research Interests and Activities

Dr. Lough researches visual communication and solutions journalism, both with an emphasis on photojournalism. He aims to advance the field of visual journalism further by incorporating his work into professional, research and classroom spaces.

His research explores questions of power, access and boundaries. Within visual communication, he studies how news images are made, selected and interpreted, as well as the photographers themselves in how they define and operate within their field as they fight for legitimacy and job security. His solutions journalism work investigates how it is conceptualized/created, audience effects and the interplay of words and images. Solutions journalism, a growing field of interest within journalism studies, compels journalists to go beyond just reporting about problems in a community by also covering what people are doing about it.

Dr. Lough has presented his research at both national and regional AEJMC conferences, as well as at ICA and specialty conferences. His research is published in peer-reviewed journals such as Journalism, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journalism Practice, Visual Communication Quarterly, Digital Journalism and The Agenda Setting Journal.

Teaching Specialties

Dr. Lough’s teaching specialties include visual communication, specifically photojournalism, graphic design and visual method/theory, as well as general newswriting, ethics and related journalism courses.


Prior to pursuing his Ph.D., Dr. Lough spent 10 years as a photojournalist, reporter and public relations practitioner. His work has appeared for the Associated Press and NCAA and in the Austin American-Statesman, Lexington Herald-Leader, Louisville Courier-Journal, Murray Ledger & Times and American Hunter Magazine among others. He continues to freelance as a photographer in Athens and specializes in concert and sports photography.


Top 22 Under 40 Racer Young Alumni, Murray State University, 2022

Special Collections Libraries Faculty Fellow, University of Georgia, 2021

Rock Star Reviewer, International Communication Association, Visual Communication Studies division, 2020

Selected participant, Solutions Journalism Educators Academy, 2019

Graduate School Summer Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin, 2019

Jesse H. Jones Fellowship, Moody College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Inclusive Classrooms Leadership Certificate Seminar, 2018