Leslie Klein

Leslie Klein is a Ph.D. student in Grady College concentrating in Journalism. Her research explores the intersection of media law and scholastic journalism. She aims to use her research to advocate for student speech and press rights. Before going back to school for her master’s, she taught high school English, yearbook, and journalism for four years.
Klein, L., & Johnson, B. G. (2022). A test of free speech: Applying the ethics of care to coverage of Snyder V. Phelps. Journal of Media Ethics, 1-15.
Klein, L. (2022). Censorship, copyright and community: How JEA members discuss journalism law in their community of practice. Communication: Journalism Education Today, 55(4), 43-51.
Perreault, G., Peters, J., Johnson, B. G., & Klein, L. (2021). How journalists think about the First Amendment vis-à-vis their coverage of hate groups. International Journal of Communication, 15, 18.
Perreault, G., Johnson, B. G., & Klein, L. (2020). “Covering hate: Field theory and journalistic role conception in the reporting on white nationalist rallies.” Journalism Practice.
Conference Presentations:
Klein, L. (2022, August). “Change is inevitable:” How safety valve theory can expand protections for positively disruptive student expression. Paper presented to the Scholastic Journalism Division at the 105th annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Detroit. Top Student Paper, Scholastic Journalism Division.
Klein, L. & Peters, J. (2022, August). Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. and regulating off-campus student expression: The good news for college student journalists. Paper presented to the Scholastic Journalism Division at the 105th annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Detroit. Top Faculty Paper, Scholastic Journalism Division.
Perreault, G., Peters, J., Johnson, B. G., & Klein, L. (2021, August). How journalists think about the First Amendment vis-à-vis their coverage of hate groups. Poster presented at the 104th annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), New Orleans/Virtual.
Klein, L. (2021, May). “Please don’t kill our entire livelihoods:” An examination of how content creators reacted to the FTC and YouTube settlement and what that means for the future of COPPA. Paper presented to the Communication Law & Policy Division at the International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Meeting, Denver/Virtual. Top Student Paper, Law & Policy Division.
Johnson, B. G., Klein, L., & Fuzy, J., (2020, August). Traditional but open: Research paradigms in communications law, 2010-2019. Paper presented to the Law & Policy Division at the 103rd annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), San Francisco/Virtual.
Educational Background
M.A. in Journalism Law and Conflict Resolution, University of Missouri
B.S. in English Education, Florida State University