Jaemin Kim is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Advertising & Public Relations. His research interest attempts to interweave three different pillars: advertising, sports communication, and media technologies. Specifically, he focuses on how cutting-edge technologies, such as blockchain, metaverse, and AI (Artificial Intelligence), impact consumers’ cognitive and affective responses toward persuasive messages in various contexts, including sports. Pursuing his academic enthusiasm, he vigorously conducted and designed the research as a member of the Advertising & Branding Insights Studio (AdBiS) and Computational Research Method Club (CRMR).
Jaemin is a recipient of the Graduate Student Conference Scholarship from the American Academy of Advertising (AAA) in 2024. In addition, he also received the two Best Paper Research Awards from the Korean Advertising Society (KAS) in 2022 and the Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies (KSJCS) in 2021.
M.A. in Advertising & Public Relations, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
B.A. in Advertising & Public Relations, Hanyang University, Ansan, Korea