Alumni Board

Alumni Board

The Alumni Board is an advisory group responsible for contributing to, and supporting the development of activities for alumni and friends of the college.

Alumni Board

The Alumni Board serves as the conduit between the college and its alumni. It is comprised of members from a variety of Grady majors, professions, geographical areas and graduation years.

The 2024 Alumni Board

Members of the 2024 Alumni Board

Heather Dixon Adams

(ABJ ’98)
Choice Media Communications

Kelly Aratoon

(ABJ ’11)
The Falling Agency

Lindsey Austin

(ABJ ’04)
Troutman Pepper Strategies

Jay Black

(ABJ ’07)

Troy Bridges

(ABJ ’96)
CBS News

Previous Alumni Boards

Click to see alumni who have served the past several years on the Alumni Board.


“Being a Bulldog is an honor and a privilege. To be a part of this academic community means the world to me. With intention, I carry the UGA spirit of innovation with me wherever I go.”

Erina Lambeth

ABJ ’87


“I’m passionate about helping students understand the infinite pathways that can exist for them to pursue their goals if they’re open-minded.”

Robby Thomas

ABJ ’04


“I’m excited to have a small part in connecting real world experience to higher education and keeping UGA at the forefront of fostering students to become the next generation of content creators joining the ranks.”

Daniel Sattelmeyer

ABJ ’08