Grady InternViews: Skyli Alvarez

Grady InternViews: Skyli Alvarez

July 13, 2023

This is part of a series where we ask Grady College students to describe their summer internship experience.  

Skyli Alvarez is a fourth-year journalism student working with Teen Vogue as an editorial intern. Read on as she provides insight into what this internship looks like.

Briefly describe your internship and responsibilities.

As Teen Vogue’s editorial intern, I mainly pitch, report, and write articles; create visual content for them; and build stories and galleries into Copilot. I attend weekly brainstorming sessions and meetings with our various teams, help with styling assistance on/off shoots, and attend events on behalf of the publication.

What does the structure of your internship look like?

Since it’s hybrid, I usually go to the office Tuesday through Thursday and work remotely Monday and Friday. On in-person days, I typically get to the Condé Nast office around 8:30–9:00 a.m., grab coffee, and catch up on news and emails. I work on stories and attend meetings throughout the day. At times, I meet with the other Condé interns for group project work.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced?

Thus far, the greatest challenge I’ve faced is adjusting from being a full-time student to a full-time intern. While I’m used to coming home after class and continuing to work on assignments, I am still trying to fight the urge to work after hours and on weekends.

What has been your favorite part about your internship so far? Tell us a story if you have one!

So far, my favorite part about my internship was having the opportunity to attend and report on Them’s 2023 Now Awards event, which celebrates influential LGBTQ+ figures. It was such a wonderful and empowering evening that really enhanced my observation skills. I met Condé employees, journalists and queer creatives!

student standing in front of the Conde Nast building.
Alvarez poses in front of the Condé Nast building during her internship. (Photo: Submitted)
How have the classes you’ve taken at Grady prepared you for this internship?

Without a doubt, my Grady coursework has helped me refine my journalistic abilities. In particular, my photojournalism classes have pushed me so much as a visual storyteller and documenter, and I feel more confident in my abilities to approach strangers and to tell a story through words, images or both.

What’s your advice to other students looking for a similar opportunity?

Don’t doubt yourself and your experience. Don’t be afraid to reach out, network, and connect with journalists and role models in the industry or area you hope to work in. I feel like it’s often clear when someone is genuinely interested in forming a connection and learning from a professional, instead of just establishing a transactional relationship.

How will this role guide your future career path?

This role will guide my future career path by making me a more confident writer and reporter in New York, where I am looking to live post-graduation.

What’s your career goal?

My career goal is to work in multiplatform storytelling and creative direction within the realm of journalism and mass communication. I enjoy writing and reporting, as well as the editorial and visual components of working with a publication; I’ve been able to apply what I have learned from each area to the other.

student holding up a camera.
Alvarez covering a story for Teen Vogue. (Photo: Submitted)
What lessons will you take back with you to the classroom in the fall?

To be a go-getter and to curb hesitation. I often let self-doubt get in my way or undermine my work, but this internship is helping me to chip away at these habits.

How has this role helped you discover what you are passionate about?

This internship has only further affirmed my joy of telling stories across media. I’m very thankful to be able to work with various departments and such a talented team at Teen Vogue and listen and learn from their different experiences as well.

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don’t self-sabotage your way out of valuable opportunities and experiences. There are so many times in my life where I was nervous to go for an opportunity, out of fear of failure or of not being good enough, but sometimes you just have to fake it until you make it (and eventually you’ll believe in yourself).