2024-2025 Tieger Fellows named

Picture of 2024 Tieger Fellows in front of Grady College building.
Corinne O'Dell, Margot Murphy and Flanigen Phillips have been named 2024-2025 Tieger Fellows. (Photo: Sarah E. Freeman)

2024-2025 Tieger Fellows named

September 24, 2024

The University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication announced the selection of three new Tieger Fellows for the 2024-2025 academic year: Margot Murphy, Corinne O’Dell and Flanigen Phillips. The Tieger Fellowship is a group from the Public Affairs Professional Certificate in Public Affairs Communications (PAC) that serves the program by creating digital content, promoting events and spreading the word about this dynamic certificate program.

The three students have all interned in communications capacities through GradyDC and are working closely with the program director, Joseph Watson, Jr., the Carolyn Caudell Tieger Professor of Public Affairs Communications.

“I am grateful that Margot, Corinne and Flanigen have agreed to serve as Tieger Fellows for this year,” said Watson. “Carolyn Caudell Tieger’s vision and funding makes opportunities like this and many others possible for PAC students. I look forward to working with these incredibly talented students to serve our current and future students.”

Carolyn Caudell Tieger (ABJ ’69), an alumna, established the country’s inaugural public affairs communications program to train students in public policy, advocacy, and politics, along with offering public affairs strategy instruction. Tieger brings decades of expertise in public affairs, including roles on Capitol Hill, at the White House, with global public relations firms, and as the CEO of her own firm.

“I am so proud of our PAC program, Professor Watson, and these young students, who have been chosen to play a leading role as Tieger Fellows in the program’s continued growth and success,” said Tieger.

“To see the demand by students to be in the program and the demand by potential employers to hire them is so gratifying. In a time when our country needs to unite and move forward, Grady and Professor Watson are instilling these PAC students with the knowledge, skills and respect for our political process needed to secure America’s future.”

Margot Murphy, who serves as the Media Relations Fellow has interned for the Supreme Court of the United States and The United States House of Representatives in communications roles through GradyDC and has defined her experience in Grady through PAC. Murphy is a fourth-year public relations student and a recipient of a certificate in personal and organizational leadership through the Terry College of Business’s Institute for Leadership Advancement. She also serves as a Young Life leader at Cedar Shoals High School, the Student Alumni Council, FOCUS Student Teaching and as a member of Alpha Delta Pi.

“Professor Watson has been such an impactful mentor to me throughout college and I am overwhelmingly grateful to serve as a fellow for a certificate that has poured so much into me. I would not be the student I am without it and I am excited to share it with others,” said Murphy.

Corinne O’Dell, a fourth-year student from Cincinnati, Ohio, serves as the Social and Digital Media fellow. In addition to PAC, O’Dell is pursuing a degree in public relations and a minor in political science. She serves as a Grady Ambassador and is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. This summer, O’Dell worked in Washington, D.C. as a communications intern in the Office of Representative Brad Wenstrup through the GradyDC field study program.

“The PAC program and Professor Watson have been extremely influential during my time at UGA. I have solidified knowledge about public affairs that I know will be essential when I pursue a career post grad. I am honored to be able to give back to the program that has given me so much, and am excited to share my experience with current and future students,” said O’Dell.

Flanigen Phillips, a third-year public relations and English student from Nashville, Tennessee, serves as the Program Promotions fellow, focusing on creative ways to engage current and prospective PAC students. In addition to the PAC fellowship, Phillips serves as the Membership Director of UGA’s chapter of College Republicans, Executive Board of the Catholic Center and is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. This summer, Phillips interned in Washington, D.C. through the GradyDC field study program in the office of Senator Bill Hagerty.

“PAC was a huge reason why I chose UGA and it has been the hallmark of my time here. The knowledge and skills I have gained through this program are invaluable, and have made me feel supported, equipped and inspired to pursue a career in public affairs,” said Phillips.

“I continue to be in awe of the success of the PAC program, which is the only one of its kind in the country.  Professor Watson is making a significant contribution to the future of our democracy by equipping PAC students with not only the skills to succeed but instilling in them respect for each other and the political process. Congratulations to these three students who will be our ambassadors for promoting the program and serving as leaders for the College.” 

“The Tieger Fellows have an opportunity to help the College spread the word even further about this unique and exciting program for students who are interested in a career in politics and public affairs.”

Author: Margot Murphy, margot.murphy@uga.edu