“You Aren’t Alone”: An Analysis of Trans Latinas’ Use of Instagram
“You Aren’t Alone”: An Analysis of Trans Latinas’ Use of Instagram
Alvarez-Hernandez, Luis R. (PhD in Social Work from UGA), Keyser Lough, & Estevez, Rebekah (PhD in Counseling Psychology from UGA). 2024. “You Aren’t Alone”: An Analysis of Trans Latinas’ Use of Instagram. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(6), 699. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/21/6/699
Abstract: Social media platforms, such as Instagram, provide space for marginalized groups to connect, learn about and express themselves, and cultivate community. Trans Latinas, a group target of violence and discrimination, resist by expressing themselves and building community through social media. As cisgender researchers, we explored how trans Latinas use #translatina on Instagram as a shared space to present themselves and their identities, to leverage this knowledge in our fields. We analyzed 134 posts in February and March of 2020 employing basic and interpretive content analyses while considering Goffman’s theory of presentation of self. Results showed that trans Latinas mostly presented individually through posed selfies taken near the camera, using a straight camera angle, standing, not smiling, and making eye contact. Most users wore makeup, styled hair, and accessories. Analyzing written captions and photos, four themes were constructed to understand how trans Latinas presented their identities and connected with others: (1) expressions of beauty and femininity, (2) fostering community, (3) commercial or work, and (4) feeling good and confident. These results have implications for mental health and health promotion practices, as social media could serve as affirming spaces for trans Latinas to reinforce their self-determination, maintain a sense of self, and build community.
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