Spiral of Mocking memes: The Role of Internet Memes in Affecting Self-silencing on the Dark Side of Society

Spiral of Mocking memes: The Role of Internet Memes in Affecting Self-silencing on the Dark Side of Society

Jiyoung Yeon (Ph.D. student) received an AEJMC Mass Communication & Society Division (MCSD) research award for her paper “Spiral of Mocking memes: The Role of Internet Memes in Affecting Self-silencing on the Dark Side of Society.” The winning MSCD graduate student research award recipient is given a total of $5,000 to complete the proposed research project. Of this, $2,500 will be presented to the recipient(s) at the annual conference Division Award Luncheon. The remaining $2,500 will be given after the authors submit their paper to the Division journal, “Mass Communication and Society.”