Romanian faculty member visits Cox Center

Doru Pop, a faculty member in the Department of Journalism at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj- Napoca, Romania, spent a week as a guest of the Cox Center in September, learning about journalism instruction at the University of Georgia and making plans for collaborative work with the Cox Center in the future.

Professor Pop visited faculty members in the Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication and attended classes in his area of specialization, advertising. He also met with Dean Thomas Russell in the Grady College and Associate Dean Leonard Reid. Professor Pop also met with Cox Center staff members and learned about activities of the Center.

Cox Center Director Lee B. Becker and Pop discussed two projects for the coming year. First, Pop and Becker outlined a book on copyright law. Second, Becker and Pop discussed ways in which the Cox Center can assist Babes-Bolyai University in developing a graduate program in journalism and mass communication in the future.

Babes-Bolyai was the site of a workshop on copyright law conducted by the Department of Journalism and the Cox Center in June. Presenters at the conference have been invited to submit versions of their presentations for the book on copyright Becker, Pop and Doru Vlad, also of Babes-Bolyai University, will edit. Professor Pop also visited the New School for Social Research in New York and gave a lecture at Bard College, also in New York, before traveling to the University of Georgia. He visited the School of Journalism at the University of North Carolina following his week in Athens.

The International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) organized the three-week visit by Professor Pop to the United States. IREX is a non-profit organization that administers academic exchanges between the United States and the Newly Independent States (NIS), Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Mongolia and China.